Easter Bunny Character (2 hours)

Easter Bunny Character (2 hours)

    • $800.00
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Have the easter bunny show up at your event. Play with kids and find the eggs for 1 hour.
Our Bunny’s have years of experience and will make your event a memorable one for both children and adults.

The services include things like delivering Easter baskets, hosting Easter egg hunts, taking photos, and even helping kiddos with arts and crafts projects like painting Easter eggs.

Services include:

Small Events
2 Hours ($800)
Large Events
4 Hours ($1299)
  1. Meet & Greet (1 hour)
  2. Taking Photos (30 mins)
  3. Egg Hunt Race (30 mins)
  1. Meet & Greet (1 hour)
  2. Taking Photos (30 mins)
  3. Egg Hunt Race (30 mins)
  4. Paint with kids (30 mins)
  5. Sack Race (30 mins)
  6. Extra time (1 hour)
  7. Free bounce house!

Additional hours: $150/hr


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please keep in mind that the staff/mascot needs a short 10 minute break every hour to stay hydrated or use bathroom if neccesary. It gets really hot inside these costumes and for health reasons it's mandatory.


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